We follow an 11-step process when we restore a vehicle:
- Draw up a game plan. First we discuss with the customer the desired restoration result.
We evaluate what needs to be done and what parts will be needed. A complete list is not possible
at this point, but it's a good place to start.
- Document everything. In addition to "Before and After" shots, each step of the process is
photographed both for reassembly reference and documentation (especially useful if you ever decide
to sell). Employees record detailed descriptions of each day's accomplishments as well as parts
and supplies used.
- Break it down. Each part is "bagged and tagged" as it is removed from the car and the process
of determining whether it needs repair or replacement begins. Those that can be saved are degreased,
sanded, sandblasted, scraped, and/or washed depending on the individual need.
- Bust the rust. No matter how good it looks, sometimes a car is swiss cheese when you get to the
bare metal. We repair rust in only one way: the right way. Parts too far gone for repair are
cut out and replacements are found or fabricated. Bare metal is primed as soon as possible to
protect it from "reinfection."
- Safety first. When it comes to mechanical aspects of restoration, authenticity is important,
but the primary concern is that suspension, brakes, driveline, and all other components operate
safely and dependably.
- Color coordinate. Of the myriad choices the customer makes in the course of restoration, the
color is often the most difficult. Original or custom, the options can be daunting. Our paint
process continually evolves to keep up with the latest technology in refinishing.
- Inner beauty. The interior is carefully remade with authentic fabrics using the original as a
pattern. Kits are very cost effective and we use them whenever they are available.
- Like a jigsaw puzzle. Reassembly is carefully orchestrated to avoid overlapping tasks. Body,
frame, doors, fenders, top, wiring, instruments, glass, and countless other components are
gradually joined together to become a car again.
- Spit and shine. Gleaming chrome, fresh glossy paint buffed to a deep luster, a touch up here,
a last minute adjustment there, and it's ready to be roadtested. Minor adjustments at this stage
are an expected part of the process.
- Home at last! Whether headed for the show field or the open road, a satisfied owner is the
most important part of any restoration. And when it is a show car, assistance in presentation and
showmanship are a standard offering.
- Don't forget your checkups! Periodic inspection, lubrication, and occasional touch ups are
crucial to the maintenance of the newly restored automobile. Besides, many customers just like
an excuse to visit.
All content © 2000 - , W W Motor Cars & Parts, Inc.
All rights reserved.
Last updated 2/4/2015